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2020-01-13 CAEA won the honorary title of Marketing Excellence Award by FAW.
2020-01-01 CAEA won the honorary title of Production Contribution Award by JAC.
2020-01-01 CAEA won the honorary title of Best Development Award by CHERY.
2020-01-01 CAEA was awarded as Excellent Supplier of 2019 by BAIC.
2019-10-31 Chen Zuorong, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Wenzhou visited CAEA.
2019-06-04 Wang Chi, deputy mayor of Wenzhou,visited CAEA.
2019-02-11 Yin Zhijun, Vice Mayor of Wenzhou City, led his group to visit CAEA.
2019-01-19 CAEA was awarded as Excellent Supplier of 2018 by SGM.
2019-01-16 CAEA was awarded as Excellent Supplier of 2018 by Chery.
2019-01-12 CAEA was awarded for Synergistic Contribution by CHANGAN.
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